Glossary C

- Clinical health psychology : Clinical health psychology refers to a broad specialty in professional psychology, that spans the three (3) main segments and in which clinical practitioners work.

Clinical interpretation refers to a complex, inferential process in which the clinician considers the information at hand, such as interview data and test results to conceptualize t

Clinical interview refers to a Research paradigm in which an investigator begins by asking participants a series of open-ended questions but follows up on the responses with specific

- Clinical interview method : Clinical interview method refers to an interview technique attributed to Piaget of probing children's reasoning processes; a way of combining performance assessments and interviews.

Clinical method means studying psychological problems and therapies in clinical settings. It is the technique that Broca used that involves first determining a behavior disorder in a living patient and then, after the patient had died, locating the part of the brain responsible for the behavior disorder. Moreover, Clinical method is a type of interview in which a participant’s response to each successive question or problem determines what the investigator will ask next.

Clinical neuropsychology refers to the branch of psychology concerned with the identification and treatment of the behavioural consequences of nervous system disorders and injuries

Clinical practicum refers to a training experience designed to build specific clinical skills (in assessment, psychotherapy, etc.). Usually, a practicum combines academic content, or theory, with practical experience.

The Clinical psychologist is a psychologist who specializes in the treatment of psychological and behavioral disturbances or who does research on such disturbances.