Glossary C

Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioral disorders., and psychiatric problems.

Clinical science model refers to a clinical psychology training model that emphasizes empirically supported approaches to assessment, prevention, and clinical intervention. Clinical science model arose from concerns that Clinical psychology was not firmly grounded in science.

Deutsch: Klinisch-wissenschaftliches Modell / Español: Modelo de científico clínico / Português: Modelo de cientista clínico / Français: Modèle de scientifique clinique / Italiano: Modello di scienziato clinico /

Clinical scientist model refers to a training model that encourages rigorous training in empirical research methods and the integration of scientific principles into clinical practice.

Clinical significance refers to the degree to which research findings have useful and meaningful applications to real problems. Clinical significance is also known as Practical significance.

Clinical skills refer to the attitudes and techniques used by professional counselors. They include the eight (8) attitudes of the helper, foundational skills, information gathering skills, and commonly used skills.

Clinical supervision refers to an intensive, interpersonally focused relationship in which one person is designated to facilitate the development of therapeutic competence in one or more other persons. (Loganbill, Hardy, & Delworth, 1982).

Clinical targets approach refers to one of four (4) approaches to intuitive-logical clinical thinking at Step 2 of the inverted pyramid method of case conceptualization. Using this approach, the counselor looks at thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and physiology. Clinical thinking using this approach divides client presentations into four (4) domains: (1) irrational thoughts (2) distressing moods (3) dysfunctional and maladaptive actions, and (4) problematic physical aspects.

Clinical thanatology refers to the clinical practice of counseling people who are dying on the basis of knowledge of reactions to dying.