Glossary C
Glossary C
Deutsch: Computertomographie / Español: Tomografía Computarizada / Português: Tomografia Computadorizada / Français: Tomodensitométrie / Italian: Tomografia Computerizzata
Computed Tomography (CT) in the psychology context refers to an imaging technique used to create detailed images of the brain and other body structures. It is a crucial tool in neuropsychology for diagnosing brain injuries, abnormalities, and diseases.
Computer abuse refers to a willful or negligent unauthorized activity that affects the availability, confidentiality, or integrity of computer resources.
Computer addiction refers to a disorder in which the individual turns to the internet or plays computer games in an attempt to change moods, overcome anxiety, deal with depression, reduce isolation or loneliness, or distract themselves from overwhelming problems.
Computer crime refers to any crime perpetrated through the use of computer technology. Also, any violation of a federal or state computer-crime statute. It is also known as cybercrime.