Glossary C

Deutsch: Konzept / Español: Concepto / Português: Conceito / Français: Concept / Italiano: Concetto

Concept refers to a generalized idea representing a category of related objects or events; an idea about something that provides a means of understanding the world.

Concept attainment is a term in Bruner’s system it refers to the process of discovering the attributes that identify members of a category. (see Concept formation.)

Concept formation is the process of classifying information into meaningful categories ; discovering that different classes exist, in Bruner’s system. (see Concept attainment.)

Concept mapping refers to: (1) The graphical display of concepts and their interrelations, useful in the formulation of theory ; and (2) A masculine technique for finding locations by logic and will, without asking for directions.

Conception is defined as the moment of fertilization, when a sperm penetrates an ovum, forming a zygote; the union of a sperm cell and an ovum that occurs when the chromosomes of each of these cells combine to form 23 new pairs. Moreover, Conception is the process of becoming pregnant; the process by which a sperm cell joins with an ovum to begin a new life.

- Conceptual (similarity, taxonomic, nominal, categorical) Classification : Conceptual (similarity, taxonomic, nominal, categorical) Classification is a term in classification tasks, that refers to the grouping together of items based on similar category membership or shared function.

Conceptual apraxia refers to a sub-type of Apraxia in which the knowledge of the action has been lost.

Conceptual change movement refers to a discovery-oriented movement in education, highly compatible with Bruner’s theory, where the emphasis is on fostering discovery and mental reorganization rather than simply increasing the number of facts and procedures learned.