Glossary D

Delayed-response task refers to an assignment in which an animal must respond on the basis of a signal that it remembers but that is no longer present
Delayering is the removal of middle layers of management resulting in a 'flatter' management organisation.

Deletion refers to a speech error in which something is left out. In the study of Sensation and Perception, Deletion refers to a cue that provides information about the relative depth of two (2) surfaces. Deletion occurs when a farther object is covered by a nearer object due to sideways movement of an observer relative to the objects. Please see also Accretion.

Deutsch: Freude / Español: Deleite / Português: Prazer / Français: Délice / Italian: Delizia

Delight in the psychology context refers to a profound sense of pleasure, joy, or satisfaction. It is a positive emotional response that can result from experiencing something highly enjoyable or gratifying.

Delimiting observations is a term used especially in naturalistic observation that refers to the necessity to limit or choose the classes of behaviors to be observed.

Delirium refers to a cognitive disorder that is acute and usually transient characterized by disorientation, confusion, deficits in memory and Language and memory loss. It is likewis

Delirium tremens refer to a condition induced by alcohol withdrawal and characterized by excessive trembling, sweating, anxiety, and hallucinations
Other /More definition:
Delirium tremens or DTs refer to symptoms that result during severe alcohol withdrawal, including hallucinations, delusions, agitation, and disorientation.

Deutsch: Auslieferung / Español: Entrega / Português: Entrega / Français: Livraison / Italiano: Consegna

Delivery in the psychology context refers to the manner in which psychological services, interventions, or information are provided to clients, patients, or the public. This can encompass various settings and methods, including therapeutic sessions, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives. Effective delivery is crucial for ensuring that psychological support is accessible, appropriate, and beneficial.