Glossary D

- Discriminative stimulus for punishment : Discriminative stimulus for punishment refers to a stimulus that signals that a response will be punished; a stimulus that precedes a behavior and is present only if punishment will occur for the behavior.

Discussion refers to a section of a technical paper in which the author draws theoretical conclusions by examining, interpreting, and qualifying the results.

Discussion section refers to the portion of a research report that restates the hypothesis, summarizes the results, and presents a discussion of the interpretation, implications, and possible applications of the results.
Disdain refers to a feeling of scorn for the weakness and frailty of oneself or others.

Deutsch: Krankheit

In the field of psychology, the term "disease" typically refers to a psychological disorder or mental illness, which is a condition that affects an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Psychological disorders can range in severity and can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, life experiences, and environmental factors.

Disease model refers to the view that alcoholism or another drug addiction is an incurable physical disease, like epilepsy or diabetes, and that only total abstinence can control it.

Disease-prone personality refers to a personality type associated with poor health ; marked by persistent negative emotions, including anxiety, depression, and hostility.

Disenfranchised grief refers to grief that is denied or restricted by social pressure or other interference