Glossary D

- Dissociative Amnesia : Dissociative Amnesia refers to an inability to remember important personal details and experiences which is usually associated with traumatic or very stressful events.

Dissociative amnesia is defined as the loss of memory for important facts about a person's own life and personal identity, often including the awareness of this memory loss. It is the loss of memory that is partial or complete for important information related to personal identity; the inability to recall personal information which is often of a stressful or traumatic nature.

Dissociative anesthetic is defined as a class of drugs including PCP and Ketamine

Dissociative disorder refers to mental disorders characterized by a sudden temporary alteration in consciousness, identity, or motor behavior.

Dissociative Disorders is defined as a mental disorders characterized by a sudden temporary alteration in consciousness, identity, or motor behavior.

Dissociative Fugue refers to a dissociative disorder in which a person, confused about personal identity, suddenly and unexpectedly travels to another place and is unable to recall past history or identity.

Dissociative identity disorder refers to a Dissociative disorder involving the co-existence in one person of two (2) or more largely complete, and usually very different, personalities. It is the presence of two (2) or more distinct personalities (multiple personality ). Dissociative identity disorder is also called Multiple-personality disorder.

dissociative identity disorder (DID) refers to Disorder in which as many as 100 personalities or fragments of personalities co-exist within one body and mind. dissociative identity disorder (DID) is formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.