Glossary D

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the bible of abnormal psychology. It lists a set of disorders and provides detailed descriptions on what constitutes a disorder such as Major Depression or Anxiety Disorder.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) refers to a book published by the American Psychiatric Association that contains standard terms and definitions of psychological disorders. It is a comprehensive classification of officially recognized psychiatric disorders for use by mental health professionals to ensure uniformity of diagnosis.

Diagnostic drawing series (DDS) refers to an art therapy assessment tool developed by Cohen, a practicing art therapist.

Diagnostic interview is defined as an interview conducted for the purpose of arriving at a DSM-IV diagnostic formulation.

Diagnostic surgery refers to the process of removing a small amount of tissue either to identify a cancer or to make a diagnosis.

Diagnostic test/assessment refers to a test which is used for the purposes of discovering a learner's specific strengths or weaknesses.

- Diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) : Diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) refers to a patient classification scheme that specifies the nature and length of treatment for particular disorders that use used by some third-party reimbursement systems to determine the amount of reimbursement.

Deutsch: Diagnostiker / Español: Diagnostico / Português: Diagnosticador / Français: Diagnostiqueur / Italiano: Diagnostico /

Diagnostician in the context of psychology refers to a professional who specializes in the assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation of mental health conditions, psychological disorders, and developmental issues in individuals. Diagnosticians play a crucial role in helping individuals understand their psychological well-being, guiding treatment decisions, and facilitating access to appropriate interventions. In this article, we will explore the roles, responsibilities, risks, and application areas of diagnosticians in the field of psychology, as well as provide recommendations for their practice.