Glossary E

Egocentric thought is defined as a thought that is self -centered and fails to consider the viewpoints of others.

Egocentricity is a term in Piaget's theory that refers to the tendency to interpret objects and events from one's own perspective.
Egocentrism refers to the assumption that one's way of thinking is the only possibility.

Egoism refers to excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others.

Egoistic deprivation describes individual deprivation sensed through comparisons made between one's self and others within one's own in-group, however, no sense of deprivation concerning the in-group's position in society.
Egoistic helping is when a helper seeks to increase his or her own welfare by helping another

Egoistic motivation refers to a motive for helping in Order to obtain rewards or avoid punishments.

Egoistic Suicide refers to a kind of Suicide committed by people who feel alienated from others and lack social support.