Glossary E

Ego psychology is defined as Psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes the role of the ego in development and attributes psychological disorders to failure of the ego to manage impulses and internal conflicts.

Ego Resilience refers to a person"s ability to respond adaptively and resourcefully to new situations.

Ego strength refers to the ability of the ego to manage internal conflicts so the person can cope with life demands and pursue hea

Ego-defensive attitudes when we adapt our attitudes so that they seem to confirm the decisions we have already made

Ego-dystonic refer to traits of personality, behavior, thought, or orientation, considered to be unacceptable, repugnant or inconsistent with the person’s conscious or unconscious perceptions about him-or herself; a synonym for ego alien

Ego-ideal refers to a component of the Superego that contains the moral or ideal behaviors for which a person should strive.

Egocentric empathy is when a person recognizes distress in another person and responds to it in the same way one would respond if the distress were one's own.

Egocentric speech refers to Piaget’s term for the subset of a young child’s utterances that are non-social - that is, neither directed to others nor expressed in ways that listeners might understand. In Piaget's observation, toddlers use this to control and direct their behavior. The speech is considered egocentric because it is not intended to communicate with anyone else and often doesn't make sense to anyone else. Vygotsky’s intermediate stage of language development, common between ages 3 and 7, during which children often talk to themselves in an apparent effort to control their own behavior. Vygotsky suggested that egocentric speech is a component of the problem-solving function. Please see Inner speech, Social speech, Private speech.