Glossary E

Estrogen is defined as any of a number of female sex hormones. It is a hormone that produces female secondary sex characteristics and affects the menstrual cycle.

Estrus refer to changes in the sexual drives of animals that create a desire for mating; particularly used to refer to females in heat.

- ESTs (Empirically supported treatments) : Empirically supported treatments (ESTs) refer to treatments for various psychological conditions that have been shown through careful empirical study to be either "well established" or "probably efficacious." A list of ESTs is updated and published periodically by the APA's Division of Clinical Psychology.

Ethanol refers to the variety of alcohol used in beverages.

Deutsch: Ethisch belastete Bereiche / Español: Puntos éticos sensibles / Português: Pontos éticos sensíveis / Français: Points éthiques sensibles / Italiano: Punti etici sensibili /

Ethical "hot spots” is defined as ethical issues that have been particularly focused upon over the recent years and addressed in varying professional codes of ethics. These includes: confidentiality, competence, dual relationships and conflicts of interest, inappropriate fee assessment, informed consent, misrepresentation of credentials, and sexual relationships with clients.

Ethical Behavior Choosing actions that are "right" and "proper" and "just." Our behavior can be right or wrong, it can be proper or improper, and the decisions we make can be fair or unfair.

Deutsch: Ethische Kongruenz / Español: Congruencia Ética / Português: Congruência Ética / Français: Conformité Éthique / Italiano: Congruenza Etica /

Ethical congruence refers to a situation where one's decision is consistent with, aligns with, the applicable set(s) of values.

Deutsch: Ethische Entscheidungsfindung / Español: Toma de decisiones éticas / Português: Tomada de decisão ética / Français: Prise de décision éthique / Italiano: Decisione etica

Ethical decision-making in the psychology context refers to the process by which psychologists and other professionals navigate complex situations by applying ethical principles and standards. This ensures that their actions and decisions promote the well-being of clients, uphold professional integrity, and comply with legal and moral guidelines.