Glossary E

- Event-related potential (ERP) : - Event-related potential (ERP ) : Event-related potential or ERP refers to an electrical recording technique to measure the response of the brain to various stimulus events. Moreover, Event-related potential is a measure of electrical activity in identifiable areas of the brain, corresponding to specific stimuli. Electroencephalograms (EEG) are typically used in studies of Event-related potentials
Event-sampling refers to a method used to study adult attachment that involves the recording of information about a person’s social interactions over a period of time

Events-related potential refers to an electrophysiological response to a stimulus, whether internal or external

Eversion is defined as the turning of the sole of the foot outward or laterally, as in standing with the weight on the inner edge of the foot.

Everyday competence refers to a person’s potential ability to perform a wide range of activities considered essential for independent living.

Everyday reasoning refers to mundane reasoning that differs from formal reasoning in its use of implicit premises, multiple solutions, personal relevance, and possible emotional involvement. Mundane is defined as

Evidence refers to the means by which an alleged fact, the truth of which is submitted to scrutiny, proven or disproven.

Evidence- based refers current evidence that has stemmed from research to design intervention.