Glossary E
Glossary E
Deutsch: Existenzangst / Español: Angustia existencial / Português: Angústia existencial / Français: Angoisse existentielle / Italiano: Angoscia esistenziale
Existential angst in the psychology context refers to a deep-seated feeling of unease or anxiety about the human condition and one's place within the world. It encompasses concerns about meaning, choice, freedom, and the inevitability of death. This form of angst is not merely a fear of specific things but a more profound sense of dread or despair over existential questions that lack clear, definitive answers.
English: Existential Crisis / Deutsch: Existenzkrise / Español: Crisis existencial / Português: Crise existencial / Français: Crise existentielle / Italiano: Crisi esistenziale
In the psychology context, an Existential Crisis refers to a period of intense questioning and uncertainty about one’s purpose, meaning, or value in life. It is characterized by deep contemplation about existential themes such as mortality, freedom, responsibility, isolation, and meaninglessness. Individuals experiencing an existential crisis may question their place in the world, their choices, and the authenticity of their existence, often leading to feelings of disorientation, anxiety, or despair.
Existential model of cross-cultural counseling is a term which was suggested by Speight, Myers, Cox, and Highlen (1991) that in trying to understand clients, clinicians should be aware of their uniqueness (Eigenwelt ), their common experiences held in groups and cultures (Mitwelt ), and their shared universal experiences (Umwelt ).