Glossary F

Fictional finalism refers to the idea that there is an imagined or potential goal that guides our behavior.

Field is defined as any research setting that the participant or subject perceives as a natural environment.

Field dependence/Field independence refers to a cognitive style dimension referring to the relative difficulty or ease individuals have in ignoring background context to identify parts of a figure as separate from a whole. Field dependence/field independence is also called FD/FI. ( Please see also Field independence versus Field dependence )

Field experiment is defined as an experiment conducted in a real-world setting; an experiment that takes place in a naturalistic setting such as home, school, or a playground as opposed to one conducted in a laboratory.

Field independence versus field dependence refers to a cognitive style which is probably the most well known style. It refers to a tendency to approach the environment in an analytical, as opposed to global, fashion.

field research refers to the descriptive or experimental research conducted in natural, real-life settings outside the laboratory.

Field setting is defined as any naturally occurring environment in which scientists conduct research.

Deutsch: Feldstudie / Español: Estudio de Campo / Português: Estudo de Campo / Français: Étude de Terrain / Italian: Studio sul Campo

Field Study in the psychology context refers to research conducted outside of a laboratory setting, in a natural environment where behavior and phenomena occur organically. It aims to observe and analyze subjects in their everyday contexts to gather more ecologically valid data.