Glossary F

Deutsch: Befund / Español: Hallazgo / Português: Achado / Français: Découverte / Italiano: Risultato

Finding in psychology refers to the results or conclusions drawn from empirical research studies, experiments, or clinical observations. These findings contribute to the body of knowledge within the field, informing theories, practices, and further research. Findings can range from statistical data supporting a hypothesis to qualitative insights derived from case studies or interviews.

Fine motor skills is defined as motor skills associated with grasping, holding, and manipulating objects. They are skills employing the small muscles used in manipulation, such as those in the fingers.

Finger agnosia is defined as the inability to recognize or orient to one's own fingers.

Finger pointing refers to the creation of a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world and other cults.

Finger Pointing refers to teh creation of a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world and other cults. Finger-pointing is saying that particular people are to be blamed
Fingerspelling refers to the use of certain handshapes to represent letters of the written alphabet for deaf communication.

Firing order is defined as the sequence of modalities that occurs when an individual perceives an event. For example, Interpersonal-Sensation-Imagery.
First degree murder is defined as the criminal homicide which is planned or involves pre-meditation.