Glossary F
Glossary F
Five-Factor Model or FFM proposes that there are five (5) universal dimensions of personality.
Moreover, Five-Factor Model refers to a personality theory that posits that any individual's personality is organized along five (5) broad dimensions of personality:
1. neuroticism,
2. extraversion,
3. openness to experience,
4. agreeableness-antagonism, and
5. conscientiousness-undirectedness
Fixation refers to arrested development at a particular stage of psychosexual development attributable to excessive or inadequate gratification at that stage.
- Fixed action pattern (FAP) : - Fixed action pattern (FAP ) : Fixed action pattern or FAP refers to a stereotyped pattern of behavior that is evoked by a "releasing stimulus"; an instinct.
Fixed action pattern is also defined as a fixed sequence of responses elicited by a specific stimulus.
Fixed action pattern is also known as Modal action pattern.
Fixed duration (FD) schedule is defined as a schedule in which reinforcement is contingent upon continuous performance of a behavior for a fixed, predictable period of time.
Fixed interval (FI) schedule when a reinforcer is given only when a correct response is made after a set amount of time has passed since the last reinforced response. Responses made during the time interval are not reinforced.
Fixed interval (FI) schedule also refers to a schedule in which reinforcement is contingent upon the first response after a fixed, predictable period of time.
Deutsch: Feste Denkweise / Español: Mentalidad fija / Português: Mentalidade fixa / Français: Mentalité fixe / Italian: Mentalità fissa
Fixed Mindset in the psychology context refers to a belief system wherein individuals perceive their abilities, intelligence, and talents as static traits that cannot be developed or improved. This concept contrasts with a growth mindset, where individuals believe that their abilities can be developed through dedication, hard work, and learning.
Fixed ratio (FR) schedule refers to a set number of correct responses must be made to get a reinforcer. For example, a reinforcer is given for every four correct responses.
Fixed ratio (FR) schedule is a schedule in which reinforcement is contingent upon a fixed, predictable number of responses.