Glossary F

Deutsch: Flagellum, Geißel / Español: Flagelo / Português: Flagelo / Français: Flagelle / Italiano: Flagello

Flagellum is defined as the tail-like end of a spermatozoon that propels it forward.

Flashback refers to an overwhelming memory of an event or trauma.

Flashbulb memories is defined as memories created at times of high emotion that seem especially vivid; one's vivid memory for hearing the news of a surprising event.

Flat affect refers to apparently emotionless demeanor that include toneless speech and vacant gaze when a reaction would be expected. Flat affect also refers to the observable absence of or minimal presence of facial expression as if the person is unaffected by the contextual environment that surrounds him/her.

Flat muscles refer to a type of parallel muscles that is usually thin and broad, with fibers originating from broad, fibrous, sheetlike aponeuroses such as the rectus abdominus and external oblique.
Flavonols refer to antioxidants that are products of plant metabolism.

Flavor refers to the perception that occurs from the combination of taste and olfaction.
Fleishman Job Analysis Survey refers to a job analysis method in which jobs are rated on the basis of the abilities needed to perform them.