Glossary F
Glossary F
Falsifikation is a concept in psychology and the philosophy of science that refers to the process of testing and potentially disproving a hypothesis or theory. It is a critical element of the scientific method and involves actively seeking evidence that could demonstrate a theory's incorrectness or inadequacy. Falsification aims to ensure that scientific theories are robust and can withstand scrutiny, ultimately contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the refinement of hypotheses.
Deutsch: Ruhm / Español: Fama / Português: Fama / Français: Renommée / Italiano: Fama /
Fame, in the context of psychology, refers to the state of being widely recognized, celebrated, or renowned by a large number of people. It is a concept deeply rooted in human social behavior and the desire for recognition and acknowledgment. This article explores the psychological aspects of fame, providing examples, discussing risks and applications, offering recommendations, and addressing potential treatments and healing methods. Additionally, it briefly delves into the historical and legal perspectives of fame.
Familial mental retardation (FMR) is defined as form of mental retardation that does not involve biological damage, but instead represents the low end of the normal distribution of intelligence.
Familial studies of intelligence is defined as studies in which some measure or measures of intelligence among people of a known genetic relationship are correlated; the extent to which performance varies as a function of genetic similarity is used as an indication of the heritability of that measure. Please see also Heritability.