Glossary F
Glossary F
Deutsch: Falscher Glaube / Español: Creencia Falsa / Português: Crença Falsa / Français: Croyance Fausse / Italian: Credenza Falsa
False Belief in the psychology context refers to the understanding that other people can hold beliefs about the world that are not true. This concept is central to the development of theory of mind, which is the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others.
Deutsch: Falsche Erinnerungen / Español: Falsos Recuerdos / Português: Memórias Falsas / Français: Faux Souvenirs / Italiano: False Memorie
False memories in the psychology context refer to recollections of events that never occurred or memories that are distorted versions of actual events. These memories are convincingly real to the person recalling them, even though they are incorrect or fabricated.
Moreover, False memory is "Remembering” items or events that did not occur.
See also Recovered memory.