Glossary G

Glycogenolysis refers to the breakdown of glycogen into glucose.

Glycolysis is defined as a metabolic pathway in the cytoplasm of the cell that results in the degradation of glucose into pyruvate or lactate.

Deutsch: Ziel / Español: Meta / Português: Objetivo / Français: But / Italiano: Obiettivo /

Goal is defined as the target or objective of motivated behavior. Moreover, Goal is defined as: (1) the result or achievement toward which effort is directed (2) an ideas of some desired future state.

Deutsch: Zielerreichung / Español: Logro de objetivos / Português: Alcance de metas / Français: Atteinte d'objectifs / Italiano: Raggiungimento degli obiettivi

Goal achievement in the psychology context refers to the process and outcome of successfully meeting objectives or milestones that an individual or group has set for themselves. It encompasses the setting, pursuing, and realizing of goals, which can range from short-term tasks to long-term aspirations. This process is influenced by a variety of factors, including motivation, planning, self-regulation, and resilience.

Goal gradient effect refers to an increase in the strength and/or efficiency of responding as one draws near to the goal.

Goal Setting refers to a psychological skill commonly used for enhancing motivation and for focusing attention upon the aspects of performance that are most in need of improvement. The establishment of a Goal setting program usually includes several common components which include: identifying target dates for attaining goals, identifying goal achievement strategies, and providing regular goal evaluation. Moreover, Goal setting is a method of increasing performance in which employees are given specific performance goals to aim for.

- Goal setting and treatment planning stage : Goal setting and treatment planning stage refers to Stage 3 of the Helping relationship, with its primary goal being to specify expected outcomes of the counseling process.

IGoal-corrected partnership is a term used in Bowlby's Attachment theory which refers to the capacity that emerges in toddlerhood and early school age in which children begin to find more flexible and adaptive ways to maintain proximity with the object of attachment and to seek reassurance under stressful situations. Children are able to manage negotiated separations more easily, as a result.