Glossary G

Goal-directed behavior refers to means-end problem solving, seen first in the latter part of the first year.

Deutsch: Gott / Español: Dios / Português: Deus / Français: Dieu / Italiano: Dio

God is a central figure in many religions and spiritual practices, often seen as an all-powerful, all-knowing entity. In the context of psychology, the concept of God is significant because it influences human behavior, cognition, emotions, and social dynamics. Understanding the psychological aspects of belief in God helps elucidate how these beliefs affect mental health, moral development, and overall well-being.

Deutsch: Verrückt werden / Español: Volverse loco / Português: Ficar louco / Français: Devenir fou / Italiano: Impazzire

Going crazy is a colloquial term often used to describe experiencing severe psychological distress or a breakdown in mental health. In the context of psychology, this phrase can encompass a range of symptoms and conditions associated with losing control over one's thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Understanding the psychological implications of "going crazy" helps in identifying, diagnosing, and treating mental health disorders.

Goldberg Depression Inventory refers to a test to measure depression. This test enables one to rate the moods he/she experiences, and it gives a good indication of whether one is depressed. It is not designed to make a diagnosis of depression but allows one to decipher whether or not professional help is needed.
Goldbrick refers to something that appears valuable but is worthless. Goldbrick also refers to a person who shirks assigned work or does it without proper effort. Goldbrick also means to shirk duty; to cheat or swindle.

Golden mean refers to the rule Aristotle suggested people follow to avoid excesses and to live a life of moderation.
Golem effect it is when negative expectations of an individual cause a decrease in that individual’s performance.
- Golgi tendon organs (GTO) : Golgi tendon organ (GTOs) refer to a tension receptor located in series with skeletal muscle. It is a receptor that responds to the contraction of a muscle