Glossary I
Glossary I
In vitro fertilization refers to the fertilization of an ovum in a laboratory dish. In vitro fertilization is a process by which sperm and an egg are mixed in a petri dish to create a zygote, which is then placed in a woman’s uterus. Moreover, In vitro fertilization is a procedure in which a woman’s ova are removed from her body, fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and then surgically implanted back into her uterus.
Deutsch: In-vivo-Beobachtung / Español: Observación in vivo / Português: Observação in vivo / Français: Observation in vivo / Italiano: Osservazione in vivo /
In vivo observation refers to a form of Behavioral Assessment in which the individual is observed in the natural context in which the target Behavior occurs.Deutsch: Eigengruppe / Español: Grupo interno / Português: Grupo interno / Français: Groupe d'appartenance / Italian: Gruppo interno
In-group in the psychology context refers to a social group to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. This group is often characterized by a sense of solidarity, common identity, and mutual support among its members.