Glossary L
Glossary L
LAM is the abbreviations of Lactational amenorrhea method which refers to a method of avoiding pregnancies based on the postpartum infertility that many women experience when they are breast-feeding.
Lamarckian evolution refers to a discredited theory that evolution proceeds through the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Lamaze method refers to a childbirth method in which women are educated about childbirth, learn to relax and breathe in patterns that conserve energy and lessen pain, and have a coach which is often the would-be father or the husband who is present during childbirth.
Lamaze method is also called prepared childbirth.
Lambert and Cattani-Thompson conducted research that showed effectiveness of counseling.
Lambert and Ogles conducted research that showed effectiveness of counseling.
Deutsch: Lamellen / Español: Láminas / Português: Lâminas / Français: Lames / Italiano: Lamine
In psychology, the term laminae refers to thin layers of tissue found within the brain, particularly in the cerebral cortex and other regions like the spinal cord. These laminae are crucial in understanding the brain's structure and function, as different layers are responsible for processing various types of information. The concept is particularly important in neuroscience and neuropsychology, where the structure of the brain's laminar organization helps explain sensory processing, cognition, and behaviour.
Laminaria refers to seaweed which is used in second-trimester abortion procedures to dilate the cervix. Laminaria is used dried, it can swell three to five times its original diameter.