Glossary L

Levels of tolerance refers to the extent to which a teacher can tolerate different noise levels, activities, and pupil behavior.

Levels-of-processing framework postulates that memory does not comprise three (3) or even any specific number of separate stores but rather varies along a continuous dimension in terms of depth of encoding.

Levels-of-processing theory of memory is an alternative to the modal view of memory, proposed by Craik and Lockhart, that postulates that memory depends not on a particular memory store but on the initial processing done to the information at the time of acquisition. "Shallow" or "superficial" levels of processing, as in the processing at the level of visual shape or acoustic sound are thought to lead to less retention than "deeper" levels of processing such as in processing done on the meaning of the information.

Lever is defined as a rigid bar (bone) that moves about an axis.

Levo-alpha-acetylmethadol refers to a drug used in treating heroin addiction that is similar in action to methadone but has longer-lasting effects

Lewin’s law of change is the basic principle of attitude and behavioral change which was proposed by Kurt Lewin stating that individuals are more easily changed when they are part of a group.
Lewy bodies refers to small, tightly packed granular structures with ringlike filaments, found within dying cells.

Lewy body dementia refers to a form of Dementia similar to Alzheimer's disease with progressive loss of memory, language, calculation, and reasoning, as well as other higher mental functions.