Glossary L

Likelihood principle is the idea proposed by Helmholtz that humans perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli they have received.

Likert format is defined as a format for attitude scale items in which subjects indicate their degree of agreement to statements using these categories : strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree nor agree, agree, strongly agree.

Likert scale is defined as a rating scale presented as a horizontal line divided into categories so that participants can circle a number or mark an X at the location corresponding to their response. Likert scale is an approach to attitude measurement in which respondents indicate the strength of their agreement or disagreement with various statements.

Likert-type scale refers to an attitude measurement technique that requires respondents to indicate the extent of their agreement or disagreement with several statements on an issue
Liking is defined as a relationship based on intimacy, but lacking passion and commitment.
Lilliputian hallucination refers to the type of Hallucination in which things, people, or animals seem smaller than they would be in reality.

Limb-kinetic Apraxia is a sub-type of Apraxia involving problems in executing precise, independent, or coordinated finger movements.

Limbic system is part of the brain that relays information from the primitive brain stem about changes in bodily functions to the cortex, where the information is interpreted.