Glossary M

Modular organization refers to organization of specific functions into specific brain structures.

Modularity may be defined as the concept that certain areas of the brain are dedicated to performing specific cognitive tasks. Moreover, Modularity is defined as the degree to which language processing is independent of general cognitive processes such as memory and reasoning; the degree to which an aspect of language is independent of other aspects of language.

Modularity thesis refers to the Cognitive theory which holds that the ability to develop language is a self -contained module in the mind, separate from other aspects of mental functioning.
Modulation is defined as the neural activity leading to the control of pain transmissions between the various parts of the brain.

Module is defined as a structure that processes information about a specific behavior or perceptual quality. Usually identified as a structure that contains a large proportion of neurons that respond selectively to a particular quality. Moreover, Modules refer to independent or separate processors within the cognitive system.

Modules refer to independent or separate processors within the cognitive system.

Molar approach refers to the attempt to focus on intact mental and behavioral phenomena without dividing those phenomena in any way.

Molecular approach refers to the attempt to reduce complex phenomena into small units for detailed study. Such an approach is Elementistic.