Glossary M

modeling refers to learning through observation and imitation of the behavior of other individuals and consequences of that behavior.

Modelling refers to the demonstration of a behaviour so that it may be learnt vicariously by the client.

Models is a term in Learning theory that refer to those whose behaviors are imitated by others.

Moderate mental retardation refers to IQ level in the range of 35-40 to 50-55.

Moderate-level desister trajectory refers to the growth curve of children who are moderately aggressive early in life but who gradually become less aggressive throughout childhood and adolescence

Moderation in the Psychology Context: Meaning, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Moderation is a concept that holds relevance in various aspects of psychology and human behavior. It encompasses the idea of balance, self-control, and avoiding excessiveness in actions, emotions, or behaviors. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning of moderation in the psychology context, provide numerous examples to illustrate its significance, offer recommendations for practicing moderation in different areas of life, and discuss related concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of this essential psychological principle.

Moderator is a variable that changes the magnitude (and sometimes the direction) of the relationship between an antecedent variable and an outcome variable.
Moderator variable refer to a factor that influences the direction or strength of a relationship between variables.