Glossary M
Glossary M
Multiculturalism means giving equal status, recognition, and acceptance to different ethnic and cultural groups. Moreover, Multiculturalism is the hypothesis that, to reduce prejudice, different cultural groups within a society should each maintain their own identity while simultaneously respecting all other groups
Multidimensional is defined as the notion that intelligence consists of many dimensions; characteristic of theories of intelligence that identify several types of intellectual abilities
Multidimensional approaches research that includes a consideration of biological, psychological, and societal processes incorporating different levels of measurement, different research methods, and different statistical analyses.
Multidimensional Coping Inventory (MCI; Endler & Parker, 1988), an early version of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS; Endler & Parker, 1990c), is a 66 item, self -re
multidimensional integrative approach refers to an approach to the study of Psychopathology that holds psychological disorders are always the products of multiple interacting causal factors.
Multifactorial problems refer to problems that stem from the interaction of heredity and environmental factors.