Deutsch: Mehrfacher Annäherungs-Vermeidungs-Konflikt / Español: Conflicto de aproximación-evitación múltiple / Português: Conflito de abordagem-evitação múltipla / Français: Conflit d'approche-évitement multiple / Italiano: Conflitto di approccio-evitamento multiplo /

Multiple approach-avoidance conflict being simultaneously attracted to and repelled by each of several alternatives.

Multiple approach-avoidance conflict is a type of psychological conflict that occurs when a person is faced with a situation in which there are multiple options, each with both positive and negative aspects, and the person is forced to make a choice among them. In this type of conflict, the person experiences a sense of both attraction and aversion towards each option, making the decision-making process difficult and stressful.

Here are some examples of multiple approach-avoidance conflicts:

  1. Job Offer: A person receives two job offers, one with a higher salary but longer commute, and another with a lower salary but shorter commute. The person is attracted to the higher salary, but averse to the longer commute, while attracted to the shorter commute but averse to the lower salary.

  2. Romantic Relationships: A person is torn between two romantic partners, one who is exciting and passionate but unreliable, and another who is stable and dependable but not as exciting. The person is attracted to the passion of the first partner but averse to the unreliability, while attracted to the stability of the second partner but averse to the lack of excitement.

  3. Investment Options: A person is considering two investment options, one that offers potentially high returns but with higher risk, and another that offers lower returns but with lower risk. The person is attracted to the potential for high returns but averse to the higher risk, while attracted to the lower risk but averse to the lower returns.

Multiple approach-avoidance conflicts can be challenging to resolve because both options have both positive and negative aspects, making it difficult to determine which option is best. This type of conflict can result in feelings of anxiety, stress, and indecision. To resolve the conflict, individuals may need to weigh the pros and cons of each option, consider their personal values and priorities, and seek advice and support from trusted others.

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