Glossary N

Nonexperiment control group refers to a group of participants used to assess the demand characteristics of an experiment. Each participant is not actually exposed to the levels of the independent variable but is told of the experimental conditions and asked how he/she would respond.

Nonexperimental design is a research design not having protection from the threats to internal validity provided by experimental or quasi-experimental designs. For this reason, the results of such research are impossible to defend.

Nonexperimental research strategy refers to a research strategy that attempts to demonstrate a relationship between two (2) variables by comparing different groups of scores, but makes little or no attempt to minimize threats to internal validity.

- Nonfluent Aphasia (Broca's Aphasia) : Nonfluent Aphasia (Broca's Aphasia) refers to a condition marked by loss of fluent speech and impaired use and understanding of prepositions, word endings, and other grammatical devices
Nonfluent Aphasia (Broca’s Aphasia) is a difficulty in the flow of articulation, so that speech becomes broken or halting.
Nonfunctioning Adenomas are benign neoplasms of the pituitary gland.
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is urethral infection in men which is usually caused by an infection with chlamydia.
Nonimmunologic defenses are body defenses and barriers which do not rely on the cells of the immune system. Examples include the skin, mucus, and the process of coughing.