Nepesh is a Hebrew word for "soul" that implies an inextricable involvement with a body, such that when the body dies the Nepesh (soul) also ceases to exist.

The idea of Nepesh is central to the Hebrew Bible and is often translated as "soul" or "life force." In psychology, the concept of the soul has been replaced by the concept of the mind, which is defined as the collection of mental processes and activities that occur within the brain. While the mind and Nepesh are not equivalent concepts, they share some similarities.

For example, both the mind and Nepesh are considered to be inextricably connected to the body. In psychology, the mind is seen as a product of the brain and its activities, while Nepesh is seen as intimately connected to the body, such that when the body dies, the Nepesh also ceases to exist.

Moreover, the concept of Nepesh also implies a sense of vitality or life force, which is similar to the idea of "psychic energy" in psychology. Both Nepesh and psychic energy are seen as essential components of human life and experience, and are thought to be closely related to psychological processes such as motivation, emotion, and behavior.

Overall, while there are some differences between the concept of Nepesh in Hebrew and the concepts used in contemporary psychology, there are also some important similarities that highlight the enduring significance of these ideas for understanding human experience and behavior.

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