Glossary O

Optic nerve refers to the nerve that transmits information from the retina to the brain; bundle of nerve fibers that carry impulses from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus and other structures. Each optic nerve contains about 1 million ganglion cell fibers. Also called Optic tract

Optical imaging is defined as a technique to measure the activity of large areas of the cortex by measuring the intensity of red light reflected from the cortex.

Optical topography refers to a method of brain imaging that measures activity in different regions of the brain by using the degree to which light passes between points on the scalp

Optimal distinctiveness theory refers to the conceptual analysis proposed by Marilyn Brewer that assumes individuals strive to maintain a balance between three basic needs: the need to be assimilated by the group, the need to be connected to friends and loved ones, and the need for autonomy and differentiation.

Optimal experience refers to a state of happiness and satisfaction characterized by absorption in a challenging and personally rewarding task.
Optimal functioning is what a person is capable of doing when motivated and well prepared.

Optimal level is a term used in Fischer's theory that refers to the maximum level of complexity of a skill that the individual can control.

Optimal level of development refers to the highest level of information-processing of which a person is capable. Moreover, in the reflective judgment framework, the highest level of information-processing capacity that a person is capable of.