Glossary O

Orgasmic platform refers to the thickening of the walls of the lower third of the vagina.

Orgasmic reconditioning refers to learning procedure to help clients (patients) strengthen appropriate patterns of sexual arousal by pairing appropriate stimuli with the pleasurable sensations of masturbation. It is a sex therapy technique in which a person switches fantasies just at the moment of masturbatory orgasm to try to condition himself or herself to become excited by more conventional fantasies.

Orgone refers to the physical force that powers all physiological and psychological functions which is developed by Wilhelm Reich.

Deutsch: Orientieren / Español: Orientar / Português: Orientar / Français: Orienter / Italian: Orientare

Orient in the psychology context refers to the process of becoming aware of and understanding one’s position relative to time, place, and person. It involves the ability to recognize and adapt to the surrounding environment and internal states. Orientation is a fundamental cognitive function that is essential for effective interaction with the world and is often assessed in clinical settings to evaluate cognitive health.

Deutsch: Orientierung / Español: Orientación / Português: Orientação / Français: Orientation / Italiano: Orientamento /

Orientation refers to a person's awareness of time, place, and identity.

Orientation column is the column in the visual cortex that contains neurons with the same orientation preference.

Orientation response refer to odily changes that prepare an organism to receive information from a particular stimulus.
Orientation to time is the awareness of temporal specification, such as time of day, day of the week, or year. Orientation to time is one of the functions assessed in a psychiatric mental status examination