Glossary P

Parkinson’s law is a law which states that a task will expand to fill the time available for its completion.
Parkinsonism refers to a behavioral syndrome marked by motor symptoms including tremor, rigidity, and slowness of movement.

Parmenides who was born ca. 515 B.C. believed that the world was solid, fixed, and motionless and therefore that all apparent change or motion was an illusion.
Parole refers to a supervised conditional release of a convicted prisoner before expiration of the sentence of imprisonment.

Parsimony refers to a criterion for evaluating the scientific merit of theories; a Parsimonious theory is one that uses relatively few explanatory principles to explain a broad set of observations. Parsimony also means using the smallest number of statements in a theory

Parsing refers to the process of assigning words into grammatical categories.

Deutsch: Partielle Blindheit / Español: Ceguera Parcial / Português: Cegueira Parcial / Français: Cécité Partielle / Italian: Cecità Parziale

Partial blindness in the psychology context refers to a condition where an individual experiences a significant reduction in vision, but not complete blindness. This term is often used to describe various levels of visual impairment where the person retains some degree of vision, but their ability to see is severely limited, which can affect their daily functioning and psychological well-being.

Partial color constancy refers to a type of color constancy that occurs when changing an object’s illumination causes a change in perception of the object’s hue, but less change than would be expected based on the change in the wavelengths of light reaching the eye. Note that in complete color constancy, changing an object’s illumination causes no change in the object’s hue.