Glossary P

Particularistic development is developmental outcomes that vary from person to person
Parvocellular neuron refers to small-celled neuron of the visual system that is sensitive to color differences and visual details in its small visual field

Parvocellular visual system is one of the two (2) visual systems extending from the eyes to the visual cortex. It consists of small cells dorsally located in the lateral geniculate bodies that are sensitive to viewing stationary objects, high contrasts, and fine spatial details.

Pasha refers to a person of high rank or importance. Pasha was used as a title of high-ranking officials in the Ottoman Empire.

Pass-through programs refers to a formal method of coaching in which excellent employees spend a period of time in the training department learning training techniques and training employees.
Passing score refers to the minimum test score that an applicant must achieve to be considered for hire.
Passing woman is defined as a woman who disguises herself as a man.

Passion is defined as deep emotional and/or sexual feelings for another person; the intense feelings, both positive and negative experienced in love relationships, including sexual desire ; an emotional state characterized by high bodily arousal, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure