Glossary P

Psychological control refers to the perception that one has at one's disposal a response that will reduce, minimize, eliminate, or offset the adverse effects of an unpleasant event, such as a medical procedure.

Psychological Dependence is defined as a mental belief that continued drug usage is required; drug dependence that is based primarily on emotional or psychological needs. Psychological Dependence is likewsie, the need to continue to take a drug to satisfy intense mental and emotional craving for it; emotional state of craving a drug either for its positive effect or to avoid negative effects associated with its abuse

Psychological disorder refers to a pattern of behavioral, cognitive, or physical symptoms that includes one or more of the following prominent features: (a) some degree of distress in

Psychological efficiency refers to the Maintenance of good morale, labor relations, employee satisfaction, and similar aspects of work behavior.

Psychological essentialism refers to the idea that people possess implicit theories about fundamental characteristics that all instances of a concept contain or embody.

Psychological factors affecting medical condition refer to situations in which psychological or behavior factors have an adverse effect on a medical condition.

psychological factors affecting physical condition are psychological disorders or conditions that are presumed to cause or exacerbate a physical condition.
Psychological facts is a term which according to Lewin refer to those things of which a person is aware at any given moment.