Glossary P

Psychological profiling is defined as the attempt to categorize, understand, and predict, the behavior of certain types of offenders based upon behavioral clues they provide.

Psychological reactance is defined as an aversive psychological state that arises when people perceive that their freedom of choice is restricted. People respond to this state by reasserting their freedom, leading to an increased desire for the forbidden object.

Deutsch: Psychologischer Realismus / Español: Realismo Psicológico / Português: Realismo Psicológico / Français: Réalisme Psychologique / Italian: Realismo Psicologico

Psychological realism in the psychology context refers to a literary or artistic approach that emphasizes the accurate and in-depth portrayal of characters' thoughts, feelings, motivations, and psychological states. This approach aims to create characters and situations that feel authentic and true to life by exploring the complexities of the human mind and the subtle nuances of human behavior. Psychological realism is often used to describe works of fiction, literature, and film that focus on the internal experiences of characters, highlighting how these experiences influence their actions and interactions with the world.

Psychological set is an individual’s knowledge, attitudes, expectations, and other thoughts about an object or event, such as a drug

Psychological situation refers to a situation as it is perceived and interpreted by an individual, not as it exists objectively.

Psychological system refers to a system which includes those mental processes central to the person's ability to make meaning of experiences and take action. Emotion, memory and perception, problem solving, language, symbolic abilities, and orientation to the future all require the use of psychological processes. The psychological system provides the resources for processing information and navigating reality.

Psychological test is defined as a standardized measure of a sample of a person's behavior. Psychological test refers to a device for measuring characteristics of human beings that pertain to overt (observable) and covert (intra-individual) behavior. A Psychological test measures past, present, or future human behavior.

Psychological testing refers to a broad range of measurement techniques, all of which involve having people provide scorable information about their psychological functioning.