Glossary P

Peripheral route to attitude change refers to the process that occurs when people are either unmotivated or unable to think about the merits of a message. The attitude change is due to factors unrelated to the perceived merits of the message.

Deutsch: Periphere Route zur Überzeugung / Español: Ruta Periférica a la Persuasión / Português: Rota Periférica para Persuasão / Français: Voie Périphérique de la Persuasion / Italiano: Rotta Periferica alla Persuasione

Peripheral route to persuasion refers to persuasion that occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness. It is the case whereby people do not elaborate on the arguments in a persuasive communication, but are instead swayed by Peripheral cues.

Peripheral vision is the vision at the edges of the visual field.

Peristalsis means contractions that propel food through the digestive tract.
Perlocutionary effect is a term used in the Speech Act Theory that refers to the effect of a speech act on a listener.
Permanency maybe defined as the extent to which a team will remain together or be disbanded after a task has been accomplished.

Permeability is defined as the property of a membrane that refers to the ability of molecules to pass through it. If the permeability to a molecule is high, the molecule can easily pass through the membrane. Permeability is also defined as the idea that constructs can be revised and extended in light of new experiences.

Permissive refers to a style of child-centered parenting characterized by giving permission rather than forbidding.