Glossary R

Cannabis ruderalis is a low-THC, hardy subspecies of cannabis known for its autoflowering properties and resilience in harsh environments.

Cannabis ruderalis is a subspecies of the cannabis plant characterized by its small size, autoflowering ability, and low THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. It is known for its resilience and ability to grow in harsh conditions.

Deutsch: Regel / Español: Regla / Português: Regra / Français: Règle / Italiano: Regola

A rule is a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, or ritual.

Rule in the psychology context often refers to a prescribed guideline or an understood norm that governs behavior within a specific setting or group. In psychology, rules are significant because they shape social interactions, influence behavior, and help create predictable environments.

Rumination refers to a preoccupation with distressful thoughts or worries; focusing on one's personal concerns and feelings of distress repetitively and passively.
- Rumination disorder : Rumination disorder refers to an eating disorder in which the infant or child regurgitates food after it has been swallowed and then either spits it out or reswallows it.
- Rumination Disorder : Rumination Disorder refers to an eating disorder in which the infant or child regurgitates food after it has been swallowed and then either spits it out or reswallows it.
- Ruminative response styles theory : Ruminative response styles theory is a theory stating that tendencies to focus on one's symptoms of distress and the possible causes and consequences of these symptoms, in a passive and repetitive manner, leads to depression.
Rumor refers to poorly substantiated information that is passed along the grapevine.

Run of luck refers to a statistically unusual outcome, like getting five heads in a row when flipping a coin that could still occur by chance alone.