Glossary R

Deutsch: Belohnung / Español: Recompensa / Português: Recompensa / Français: Récompense / Italiano: Ricompensa

A reward is anything that produces pleasure or satisfaction; a positive reinforcer. Reward desirable behavioral consequences likely to increase the frequency of occurrence of that behavior.

In psychology, a reward refers to a stimulus or event that increases the likelihood of a particular behavior being repeated. It is a fundamental concept in the study of behavior, motivation, and the neural mechanisms underlying these processes.

rheumatoid arthritis refers to painful, degenerative disease in which the immune system essentially attacks itself, resulting in stiffness, swelling, and even destruction of the joints. Cognitive-behavioral treatments can help relieve pain and stiffness.
- Ribonucleic acid (RNA) : Ribonucleic acid (RNA) refers to a single-stranded nucleic acid that plays a central role in protein synthesis and gene regulation.

Deutsch: Starrheit / Español: Rigidez / Português: Rigidez / Français: Rigidité / Italian: Rigidità

Rigidity in psychology refers to an individual's resistance to change, often characterized by inflexible thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. It can manifest in various psychological conditions and affect an individual's ability to adapt to new situations or information.

English: Risk assessment / Deutsch: Risikobewertung / Español: Evaluación de riesgos / Português: Avaliação de risco / Français: Évaluation des risques / Italiano: Valutazione del rischio

In the psychology context, Risk Assessment refers to the process of identifying, evaluating, and managing potential risks that may threaten the mental health or safety of individuals or groups. It involves analyzing factors that could contribute to negative outcomes, such as self-harm, harm to others, or the development or exacerbation of mental health disorders. Risk assessment is a critical component of clinical psychology, counseling, and psychiatric services, aiming to prevent adverse outcomes and support well-being.

Risk factor refers to a variable that precedes a negative outcome of interest and increases the chances that the outcome will occur.

Risk taking behaviours are behaviours in which there is some risk of immediate or later Self harm. Risk-taking behaviours might include activities such as dangerous driving, train surfing, a

Ritalin refers to Methylphenidate which is Stimulant medication most commonly used in treating children with attention -deficit/hyperactivity disorder.