Glossary S

Symbolic Play refers to symbolic, or dramatic, play which occurs when children begin to substitute one object for another.

Deutsch: Symbolismus / Español: Simbolismo / Português: Simbolismo / Français: Symbolisme / Italiano: Simbolismo

Symbolism in psychology refers to the use of symbols—objects, actions, or events that represent deeper meanings or concepts—to convey ideas, emotions, or psychological states. Symbols often arise from unconscious processes and play a crucial role in areas like psychoanalysis, dream interpretation, and understanding how individuals make sense of their experiences. Symbolism allows complex thoughts, feelings, and desires to be expressed in a more abstract or indirect manner.

A sympathomimetic substance mimics the effects of epinephrine or norepinephrine, which are secreted from the sympathetic nervous systems.

Deutsch: Mitgefühl / Español: simpatía / Português: simpatia / Français: sympathie / Italiano: simpatia

Sympathy is an other-directed emotional reaction to another person's state of need, characterized by feelings of concern, compassion, and tenderness.

In psychology, sympathy refers to the feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. This emotional response is not just an acknowledgment of another's hardship but also involves some level of emotional concern or care for the other person, though it does not necessarily mean feeling the same emotions as that person.

Deutsch: Symphyse / Español: Sínfisis / Português: Sínfise / Français: Symphyse / Italian: Sinfisi

In the psychology context, symphysis refers to a less common term, typically used in medical or anatomical contexts. However, if we consider its metaphorical application, it could be used to describe the concept of a close and functional union or connection between different parts, aspects, or systems in psychology.

Deutsch: Symptom / Español: Síntoma / Português: Sintoma / Français: Symptôme / Italiano: Sintomo

In the context of psychology, a symptom refers to any manifestation of a condition that is experienced by an individual and indicative of a psychological disorder or mental health issue. Symptoms are the subjective elements of a disorder, which the individual reports to a clinician, in contrast to signs, which are objectively observed by others.

Synapse refers to a gap at the end of a nerve fiber across which nerve impulses pass to the next neuron