Deutsch: Syzygie / Español: Sizigia / Português: Sizígia / Français: Syzygie / Italiano: Sizigia /

Syzygy refers to astrological term Carl Jung used to describe deep psychological relationships.

It is usually the anima/animus pair, but also reflects other "opposites," like male paired with female. The parental pair, which arises only when the ego develops enough, stands behind it and is molded by it, like a base carries the lightbulb. The syzygy has three components: a man's femininity and woman's masculinity; the experience man has of woman and vice versa; and the masculine and feminine archetypal image.

Archetypal symbolic pairings are 'yoked together' by this term.

Contrasexual (male-female) pairings occur in dream symbolism.

They refer to internal communication between the unconscious and conscious minds of any individual.

In psychology, the term "syzygy" refers to a state of balance or union between opposing forces or elements. It is often used to describe the integration of different aspects of the self, such as the conscious and unconscious, the masculine and feminine, or the rational and irrational. The concept of syzygy can be found in various psychological theories, including Jungian psychology and depth psychology.

Here are some examples of syzygy in psychology:

  • In Jungian psychology, syzygy refers to the integration of the anima (the feminine aspect of the male psyche) and animus (the masculine aspect of the female psyche) into the conscious self. This integration is seen as necessary for achieving wholeness and balance in the psyche.

  • In depth psychology, syzygy can refer to the union of the ego and the shadow, or the conscious and unconscious aspects of the self. This integration is seen as necessary for personal growth and the resolution of inner conflicts.

  • In cognitive psychology, syzygy can refer to the integration of different modes of thought, such as logical and intuitive thinking. This integration is seen as necessary for effective problem-solving and decision-making.

  • In developmental psychology, syzygy can refer to the integration of different stages of development, such as the integration of childhood experiences into adult life. This integration is seen as necessary for personal growth and the development of a coherent sense of self.

Overall, the concept of syzygy highlights the importance of integration and balance in psychology. It emphasizes the idea that opposing forces or elements within the self need to be brought into harmony in order to achieve a sense of wholeness and well-being. Understanding and working with the concept of syzygy can be helpful for personal growth, self-awareness, and the resolution of inner conflicts.

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