Glossary T
Glossary T
Three-stratum theory of intelligence refers to Carroll’s hierarchical model of intelligence with g at the top of the hierarchy, eight (8) broad abilities at the second level, or stratum, and narrower domains of each second-stratum ability at the third stratum.
Deutsch: Schwelle / Español: Umbral / Português: Limiar / Français: Seuil / Italiano: Soglia
Threshold in the psychology context refers to the level or point at which a stimulus is strong enough to be detected or to produce a response. This concept is central in understanding sensory processing and perception, and it varies widely among individuals.
Deutsch: Schwelleneigenschaftenanalyse / Español: Análisis de Rasgos Umbral / Português: Análise de Traços Limite / Français: Analyse des Traits de Seuil / Italiano: Analisi dei Tratti Soglia /
Threshold Traits Analysis refers to a 33-item questionnaire developed by Lopez that identifies traits necessary to perform a job successfully.