Glossary T
Glossary T
Trace Measures are measure which are the by-products of interactions. Researchers assess an area by looking at the amount of graffiti, litter, and other signs of how well an area is kept.
Trace system refers to the consolidation of the enduring or essential features of memories of individual objects or of classes of objects.
Tracheostomy refers to a surgury sometimes used to improve conditions of those with extremely severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea
Siehe auch:
"Tracheostomy" findet sich im UNSPSC Code "42271906"
  Endotracheal oder Tracheostomy Rohr Reparatur Werkzeugenkasten
Other /More definition:
Tracheostomy refers to a surgury sometimes used to improve conditions of those with extremely severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea
Siehe auch:
"Tracheostomy" findet sich im UNSPSC Code "42271906"
  Endotracheal oder Tracheostomy Rohr Reparatur Werkzeugenkasten
Other /More definition:
Tracheostomy refers to a surgury sometimes used to improve conditions of those with extremely severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea
Tracking Device refers to a device used to locate and track stolen vehicles
Tracts are large collection of axons located in the central nervous system which is primarily composed of white matter.
Tracts are also known as pathways or fibers.
Trade magazines refer to a collection of articles for those "in the biz,” about related professional topics, seldom directly reporting the methods and results of new research.
Trade-last is defined as a compliment that a person has heard and offers to repeat to the one complimented in exchange for a compliment made about oneself.