Glossary T

Token reinforcer refers to a tangible secondary reinforcer such as money, gold stars, poker chips, and the like.

Tolerance is generally the increased amounts of a drug needed to achieve intoxication, or a diminished drug effect with its continued use.

Tolman, Edward Chace (1886_1959) theorist who created a brand of behaviorism that used mental constructs and emphasized purposive behavior. He has employed many intervening variables, but his most important was the cognitive map.

Tonal agnosia refers to an inability to appreciate melody in music and speech that is usually associated with damage to the right hemisphere of the brain

Deutsch: Tonhöhe Chroma / Español: Tono de la Croma / Português: Tonalidade Cromática / Français: Chroma tonale / Italiano: Tonalità di Croma /

Tone chroma refers to the perceptual similarity of notes separated by one or more octaves.

Tone height refers to the increase in pitch that occurs as frequency is increased.

Tonic means motorically stiffened.

Tonic-neck reflex refers to a reflex in which infants turn their head to one side, extend their arm and leg on that side, and flex their limbs on the opposite side. Tonic-neck reflex is also known as the "fencing position."