Glossary W

Weltschmerz is defined as world weariness; pessimism, apathy, or sadness felt at the difference between physical reality and the ideal state. Weltschmerz is from the German word Weltschmerz - Welt is world and Schmerz means pain.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome refers to a severe memory disorder that is usually associated with chronic excessive alcohol consumption. It is referred to by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) as alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder and includes it under the category of substance-induced persisting amnestic disorders, although the direct cause is a deficiency in the B vitamin thiamin.

Wernicke's Aphasia refers to a form of Aphasia in which the person is able to produce Language but has lost the ability to comprehend, so that these verbal productions have no meaning.

Wernicke's Encephalopathy refers to an acute Condition that is associated with long-term, heavy Alcohol use. It involves delirium, eye movement disturbances, difficulties in movement

What-is-scarce-is-valuable Technique refers to a a strategy to increase the attractiveness of a product by making it appear rare or temporary

White elephant is a term used referring to a possession unwanted by the owner but difficult to dispose of; a possession entailing great expense out of proportion to its usefulness or value to the owner.
White knight syndrome refers to the human feeling that they need to rescue others. It is a common concern of beginning Counselors, those who just started their career as Counselors always feel that they need to rescue their clients, like a "knight in shining armor"
White matter refers to the area of the nervous system consisting mostly or mostly made of myelinated axons, such as neuronal tracts and pathways, which are characteristically white in appearance.