Glossary A

Ambivalent sexism refers to a form of Sexism characterized by attitudes about women that reflect both

- Ambivalent sexism inventory : Ambivalent Sexism inventory refers to a measure of stereotyped attitudes toward women, which is composed of two (2) dimensions, one positive and one negative: benevolent Sexism and ho

Ambivalent/Resistant attachment refers to a type of insecure attachment characterized by severe distress at the leavetakings of and ambivalent behavior at reunions with an attachment figure.
Ambulant or ambulatory means able to walk; may be used to describe patients who do not require a wheelchair or are not confined to bed.

Ambulation is defined as the act of walking.

In psychology, the term 'amenity' is not commonly used as a specific concept. However, the term can be used to describe environmental factors that promote psychological well-being and enhance quality of life. These factors can include physical features of a built environment, such as access to green spaces or natural lighting, as well as social and cultural features, such as community engagement and diversity..

Amenity move refers to a post-retirement move away from kin to a location that has some desirable feature, such as year-round warm weather.

Amenorrha refers to the absence of menstruation or menses, cessation of the menses.