Glossary A

American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) refers to an organization that offers certification of professional competence in many psychology specialties. ABPP certification may be sought after five (5) years of post-doctoral experience and is granted on the basis of an oral examination, the observed handling of a case, and records from past cases.

American Indians refer to Americans whose cultural origins trace back to the indigenous populations of North America. Sometimes called Native Americans or "First Nation Peoples" ; for statistical purposes, this group usually includes Alaskan Natives

American Psychiatric Association definition of insanity is the definition of insanity stating that people cannot be held responsible for their conduct if, at the time they commit crimes, as the result of mental disease or mental retardation they are unable to appreciate the wrongfulness of their conduct

American Psychological Society (APS) refers to the professional psychological organization formed in 1988 when an academic-scientific contingent broke off from the APA. Goals of the APS include advancing the discipline of psychology, preserving its scientific base, and promoting public understanding of the field and its applications.

- American Sign Language (ASL) : American Sign Language (ASL) refers to the communication of meaning through the use of symbols that are formed by moving the hands and arms. It is the language used by some deaf people. Moreover, It is the manual language used by the deaf in the United States and the English-speaking provinces of Canada. It is not a system of pantomime; rather, it shares the same structural features as other natural languages.

Americans with Disabilities Act refers to a federal law, passed in 1990, that forbids Discrimination against the physically and mentally disabled.

Ames room is a distorted room, first built by Adelbert Ames, that creates an erroneous perception of the sizes of people in the room. The room is constructed so that two (2) people a

Amiloride refers to a substance that blocks the flow of sodium into taste receptors.