Glossary A
Glossary A
Articulatory phonologic loop refers to a working memory "slave system " that stores speech-based information and is important in the acquisition of vocabulary.
Artifact refers to a concept pertaining to manufactured or human-designed objects. Artifacts are things people surround themselves with, such as clothes, jewelry, office decorations, cars, and many more that communicate information about the person. In the context of a research study, an Artifact is an external factor that could influence or distort measures. Artifacts threaten both internal and external validity.
Artifact categories are groupings that are designed or invented by humans to serve particular purposes or functions
Artifacts arc the things people surround themselves with (clothes, jewelry, office decorations, cars, and so forth) that communicate information about the person.
Artificial insemination means artificially introducing sperm into a woman’s reproductive tract by injection of donor sperm into the uterus to fertilize an ovum and to promote conception.
Artificial means refer to external Interventions or supports used to sustain life or bodily functioning, example is artific