Glossary A

Anaerobic exercise refers to exercise that requires short, intensive bursts of energy but does not require an increased amount of oxygen use.

Anaerobic process refers to the process that does not require oxygen at the time.

Anaerobic threshold refers to a commonly used term meant to describe the level of oxygen consumption at which there is a rapid and systematic increase in blood lactate concentration. Anaerobic threshold is also called the "Lactate threshold".
Anal intercourse refers to the insertion of the penis into a partner's anus and rectum.

Anal sphincter refers to a ringlike muscle that surrounds the anus; it usually relaxes during normal physiological functioning.

Anal stage refers to Freud's second psychosexual stage (ages 12 or 18 months to three years), in which the child derives sensual pleasure mainly from expelling and withholding feces.

Anal-expulsive character (Freud) refers to a character type that results from a fixation at the early anal stage.

Anal-retentive character (Freud) refers to a character type that results from a fixation at the late anal stage.